Wednesday, March 18, 2009

End of the Mayan "Great Cycle"

Within the first few paragraphs of an article aimed to refute claims of world changes in the year 2012, Ben Tremblay, writer for the website "daily common sense", he actually brings a fairly convincing argument - or perhaps an answer, to the possibility of life altering changes during which the Mayans referred to as the end of the Great Cycle.
The year 2012 is referring to the last year of the Long Count Maya calendar. The current Great Cycle, as the Mayas call it, is set to end on the winter solstice of 2012: December 21 2012 and many people believe that on that date, the world will change and never be the same. Some predict terrible events resulting in the destruction of our world and some predict that it won’t necessarily end, but that we will enter a new era and massive changes will occur.
Considering that in December of 2005, a destructive earthquake caused a minute shift of the earth on its axis, and released a devastatingly deadly tsunami, I have no problem believing that the possibility truly exists. Hmm, the Bible refers to a time of "great tribulation", and it's not hard to imagine that the end of the Great Cycle could actually trigger the beginning of the Great Tribulation? Am I the only the to see the possible connection? Is it really that far fetched?

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